Medical Insurance

Comprehensive Medical Insurance Services

Ensure your access to quality healthcare services in the UAE with Instacorp's comprehensive medical insurance plans.

Medical Insurance in the UAE

Medical insurance in the UAE is an essential aspect of living and working in the country, governed by specific regulations to ensure residents and visitors have access to quality healthcare. Here's an overview of medical insurance in the UAE.

Coverage and Benefits

  • Basic Coverage: Mandatory health insurance typically covers essential healthcare services, including consultations, diagnostic tests, surgeries, and hospitalization.
  • Additional Benefits: Some insurance plans offer additional benefits such as maternity care, dental care, optical care, and coverage for pre-existing conditions after a waiting period.
  • Network Providers: Insurers often have a network of healthcare providers, including hospitals, clinics, and pharmacies, where insured individuals can receive medical treatment at reduced rates or with direct billing.

Mandatory Health Insurance

Resident Visa Requirement: All residents, including expatriates and their dependents (spouse, children, domestic workers), must have mandatory health insurance coverage to obtain or renew their residence visas in the UAE.

Employer Responsibility: Employers are responsible for providing health insurance coverage to their employees. This coverage typically extends to the employee's spouse and children as dependents.

Insurance Plans: Health insurance plans in the UAE vary in coverage and cost, depending on factors such as the scope of coverage, network of healthcare providers, and additional benefits.

Key Considerations


Ensure that your health insurance plan complies with UAE regulations, including minimum coverage requirements and network of healthcare providers.


Some insurance plans offer portability within the UAE and coverage during travel to other countries, providing flexibility and peace of mind.

Policy Renewal

Maintain continuous coverage and renew your health insurance policy annually to comply with residency visa requirements and ensure ongoing access to healthcare services.

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